What sort of Apam comes to your mind when you hear the name
of 'Kuih apam' ???
It can be a sort of spongy muffin-like or a flat pancake shape...There are so many kinds of Apam.
Apam beras (rice flour ), Apam gandum (wheat flour) Apam Eno (using soda base), Apam Balik (sweet corn fillings)...and many many more. But, there is one kind of Apam which I have always loved. Its called Apam telur ( egg apam ).
Apam telur is actually originated from india, so it seems. There are several ways of making this apam, it can be cook in a round clay pot or in a mini wok.
Enuf said here is the receipe for Apam telur.
1 1/2 cup Rice flour
1/2 cup Flour
1 1/2 tblsp dry yeast
9 - 10 tblsp sugar (it is not sweet, so u can add 1 - 2 more tbls sugar if u like)
1 cup water
1 egg
Mix all ingredients and let it stand for at least 4 hours but the longer you let it stand the better it will be. Just like making all the other Kuih Apam.
Once the batter has rised add 1 cup of coconut milk and 8 -9 eggs and mix thoroughly. Well...we do use lots of eggs huh...it is an egg y apam rite!
Pour a scoop of batter in the wok and turn the wok round and round like a hoola hoop. Do not pour to much or the apam will get too thick. The sides should be thin and crispy and in the middle should be bumpy. You can close the wok with a lid wrapped with clean cloth to prevent condensation and helps the centre gets cook faster because the sides gets crispy pretty quickly.
Nice to eat it warm.
Happy trying!
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